Basic Quantitative Interpretation, Seismic Petrophysics: Batch#5
One of our event to commemorate the Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2018 was held in cooperation with CGG Services Indonesia. We provided a workshop with title â€Basic Quantitative Interpretation Batch #5 : Seismic Petrophysics Workshopâ€
We brought in 4 experts to give the lectures. On the first day, Mr. Trisakti Kurniawan shared about basic petrophysics and log QC. After that, Mrs. Putri Sari Wisman shared several important things about rock physics. Then, on the second day, Mr. Leonard Lisapaly explained about synthetic to seismic modelling and the last speaker Mr. Oskar Pakpahan shared us about Inversion and QC.
After every subject was presented, we had Mr. Awal Mandong and Mr. Rino Isma Aditya Saputra acted as our instructor to teach and share about the application of the theory utilizing Hampson-Russel and Powerlog applications.
Big thanks to CGG Services Indonesia, Dewata Group, and Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia for becoming our sponsor and supporter for this event. We look forward to another collaboration in the future.
Selamat Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2 Mei 2018
â€Ing Ngarso Sungtulodo, Ing Madya Mangunkarso, Tut Wuri Handayani†(Ki Hajar Dewantara )
Again, big thank to Indonesian Brain Gain team, Mr. Oscar Pakpahan, Ms. Meiliani , Yohanes Dimas Priambodho , Radhi Muammar , Firsta Arianty Kamandika , Elga Abdurahman Eka Putra , Mohamad Nadhil Janitra , Dea Saraswati , Brandan Tito Ramadhan , Gian Antariksa , Rebecca Putri , Chris Evan
Lulusan baru dan mahasiswa tingkat akhir dari berbagai Universitas di Indonesia
CGG SERVICES INDONESIAÂ Graha Paramita, Kuningan, South Jakarta
8-29 April 2018
-CGG, HAGI, Dewata Group